Life changes as we keep moving along, but some things stay basically the same. I went to an audition today. They only kept ethnic girls for Legally Blonde, Zombie Prom, Tarzan, and Ave Q. Not ethnic shows. We danced Legally Blonde. Well, I guess their sorority girls were very different than the ones I remember. Shorter, white, and on the chunky side is what I remember. Black, Asian, and ethnically ambiguous got kept off a very simple combo. Oh well. The theatre was just in Southern Virginia, and I thought it would be really cool to book a job there and get to visit some family. (My great aunt-ish Miriam sent me a Christmas card from Southern VA that I just got today. Which made me super happy!)
I met up with a couple of friends later on in the afternoon. Jeffrey, I went to college with and I did a show in Houston with Megan. We are all in our 20s, work crappy jobs at odd hours, spend lots of time going to and fro on mass transit, and can't wait for the day we land all of the following: Broadway show, rich spouse, and Park Ave apartment. (I think the sugar daddy/momma/spouse probably has the apartment and we just move in from our artistic hovels in the outer boroughs and Jersey into the Park Ave apartment. At least that is how this works in my fantasy land. Plus, my sugar daddy/loving and very rich spouse looks like Gerard Butler. Fantasies are fun!)
We went up to 81st and then headed down
through Central Park and down Park Ave salivating at store windows. We longed over clothes we couldn't ever afford. And at Tiffany's. Jeffrey's prep school style looked longingly at the very spiffily (spell check insists that is not a word. Boo!) decorated Ralph Lauren store windows, while I lusted after a black velvet pants suit at Max Mara (testament to it's awesomeness, I am normally a dress girl. Short, curvy girl plus pants suit is not always the best idea. But this was beautiful!) If there is one thing that I have learned working expensive benefits: people who have money do not always have taste. So why do we with no money have fabulous taste? The ever popular question of people in their 20s without trust funds.
After deciding its was a no go on seeing theatre (between what we had seen and what we had collectively not seen, it was difficult to find something we all wanted to pay for. And we were hungry.) We grabbed burritos and drinks at Blockheads. Signs we are old. One drink and it is 730 an we are feeling it. We all got second drinks because we planned on sitting there in their lovely heat longer (and they were cheap. And the Mexican bus boy was antsy.). Last ditch attempts at being bright young things on our nights off, decaf coffee. Then we all headed back on our trains. Home long before midnight and ready for bed. No longer in college are we, but it was still a fun day. We may paint the town much differently than we used to, but it is still a good time. We may not have much now, but our possibilities are endless. At least they are once we've made enough to pay the bills that month.
Oh yeah. I worked on Damages yesterday. Short day. Get paid. Get out. No John Goodman or Glenn Close scenes. Bummer. But life moves on. And one can get their free monthly chocolate at Godiva! (Almost as good as a paid for Park Ave apartment!)
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