Tales of a southern girl working as an actress and dancer across the country and taking it one high kick at a time!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
My Slow Week So Far...
So I hit up two auditions on Tues. Parallel Exit (dance theatre-y comedic stuff) and Memphis. I got to tap. I felt good in the combo. I like Ray Hesselhink and need to take his class. Bone up on my tappities! Did the Memphis hopscotch (which involves a leg thwack that made the next few days feel really great). And then I went to the Met with Stacey to look at pretty clothes and art. Schiaparelli and Prada went together in a fabulous fashion. The parallels and contrasts made in the exhibit were awesome. Things I learned: I want to be a thirties and forties movie star and wear Schiaparelli's clothes (and then we go out drinking together. Me in the lobster dress. Her in the shoe hat. Talk about how we love hot pink.)
More job hunting. Blah blah blah. Had an "audition" today with Gymboree. They made cuts throughout the afternoon and most of their applicants were very unused to what seems normal to me. They kept me all the way through. And then made a comment about not wanting to hire performers who go out on the road. In which case, you should have looked at the email I sent you before you invited me to audition. Boo. I had a summer camp who urged me to call about a dance job, put me on hold, said they would call me back, and they haven't. Which means I get to call them again tom. Hurrah!
Butt bow! Werk!
On another note: I feel really silly that I only just realized this. Donna Murphy already played Rapunzel's witch and now she is doing it in the park. Because she is fierce. Work! Mother does know best! (But children don't listen)
You're a true BAMF when you get your own set of boys. :)
Monday, May 28, 2012
Today was a gorgeous summer day. I went and played in Central Park. Without an old lady hat. Or sunblock. I am now pink shouldered! I will behave and take my old lady hats in on sunny days. Plus I bought more sunblock. Coppertone for babies! And palesies. I beached my way through an entire bottle in FL. Better late than never? It will be a tough call on wearing very pink shoulders tom. It might be a v-neck audition whether or not it is appropriate. Whoops!My favorite pink tutu. I used to dream about Lauren Anderson prancing around in all that pinkness! Here is Sara Webb's most recent turn in all that pink.
Lauren Anderson was a big deal because she was a black ballerina. As an adult, I find the fact that she is barrel chested more amazing than the fact that she was black. Girl has some sparkle on stage, but she belongs in the more muscular group with me. Nor does she possess Sarah Webb's teeny bird bones!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Not Rebecca Black's Friday. Thank God.
More adventures in odd job hunting today. Auditions are slow with the holiday weekend. Because nothing memorializes dead soldiers like a barbecue. Or in my case, some job hunting and a bottle of wine. (I'm Irish. We always drink in memorial. Wake!) What mistakes can I make trying to submit for lots of different jobs today? An interesting amount. My favorite: I now live in Jew Jersey. Whoops. Which is pretty offensive. But funny in a very wrong sort of way. Especially since it was for a blogging job, and I have multiple posts about working bar and bat mitzvahs on my blog. Mazel Tov!I always feel like I'm throwing spaghetti at the wall. May something stick.
It's absolutely gorgeous again today, which means I am sore, tired, and in advanced state of screen daze from looking at my computer all day and being scared by Craig's list postings. I'm thinking it's time to pull out my big hat and head to the park. Like a true workaholic, I have to remind myself to play. Self reminded, hat on head, keys in pocket, and heading out the door! Ciao!
Ok. Her hat is better than mine. Win to Ms. Hepburn.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Oh What A Day!
You live and learn. Which precisely what I did when I went to a Jersey Boys ECC last fall. Well. I went to another and applied what I learned.
Jersey Boys- Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons. Sweet Guidos from the 60s need sweet Guidettes. Right? NOpe. The audition is the opening- Yannik's version from the 90's. If you were into French clubs 20 years ago, you've probably heard it. The dancers are the models in the music video. And it's all based off being hungry and starving. How appropriate. My sweetly old school hair and little dance skirt didn't cut it last time, so this time, booty shorts, no tights, straight hair, and tan heels. I was one of the more naked in the nonunion. Which is unusual for me. Low turn out due to to rain, so we all got to dance. No type out. Which was probably in my favor. Here's the song:
But it's only on a piano. Which means it just sounds like "Oh What A Night." (Cause it is!) Which makes it comedic to mtv it. Put on my best dominatrix game day face and the following occurred 1. Left and handprint on my thigh with a pussycat dolls-esque slap. 2. Tipped for my hungry life 3. Tweaked my quad dropping like it was Jersey hot. 4. I tipped all the way home while singing "Oh What a Night." It's one way to get rid of the rainy day blues!
Plus I just got two tickets for the free fan performance of Book of Mormon on the 6th. I knew I didn't need to pay an arm and a leg for those tickets... :)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Big Straw Hats Can Help!
Some weeks you fit tons of auditions. Some weeks you fit none. This is a none week. Which becomes frustrating. I'm also facing the reality of my job not panning out the way I want it. We're no longer part time employees. Back to 1099s. Not a good sign. So I'm hunting for other jobs.
I like living in Jersey, but it makes waiting tables in the city impossible. Last train leaves at 1:20. Grosse and before the bars close. Plus I've never waited tables in my life. I've always stayed afloat teaching an humiliating myself in other ways. Do I try and start waiting tables out in here in Jersey? It would limit my availability for auditions. Boo. I've left an awkward voicemail to be a TKTs promoter, sent my teaching resume out to several summer camps and sub jobs. Adding on a second corporate event company didn't pan out well. It's too much self motivation. I'm already killing myself throwing myself at theatre jobs and Chezzam gigs. May the answer find me soon because my couch renter leaves and I need more to support myself. If only Showboat was sooner. Or if another show would land in my lap (see my last post on my delusions). Just enough to stay afloat and not eat through any more of my savings.
On a brighter note, I pulled out my big floppy straw hat (from Stein Mart so it is truly an old lady hat) and read in the park today during one of the patches of sunshine. A much needed chunk of time after a busy few weeks. And more freckles.
My hat beats this hat because mine has a bow!
Monday, May 21, 2012
I've Got Possibilities! Or Delusions....
Highs and lows. Ups and Downs. It would be hard to recognize on without the other. And thank god the highs generally outrank the lows.
Went in for Papermill's A Chorus Line. I literally live down the street from them, and have lousy luck at their ECCs. Blame it one karma. Or New Jersey. They only saw the first 60 non eqs. I was 84. Apparently they needed to spend forever on each group. I should have gone the principal call on Friday but I just couldn't take another day in a studio. I needed my roomie fun day. Possible bright spots:
1. Dames At Sea- Michael Cassara asked me if I tapped at the NYMF call. I have since killed myself trying to figure out which show was classic mt and needed tapping. But he's also casting this in Maryland. And Randy Skinner is working on it. He posted on Actor's Access that they are looking for a non union Ruby. Which I would kill to do. Auditions are late May. Whatever that means. Hopefully I get an appt! Ruby Keeler and I are twinsies!
2. Into the Woods- Public Theatre in the Park. Donna Murphy and Amy Adams. They want a non eq Snow White to double as a dancing harp. What was my last musical role in college? Snow! Sent their snail mail request. Once again. Send me an appt please!
3. Hello Dolly- Cohoes is still coming back for it. I have been working a song since Fireside that reeks of Ermengarde. I already I reeked of her, but just in case they need a little leading. :) It's been so popular of late. I always get a callback. Now I just want to get a job!
Rock that parasol!
4. So much fall theatre to go. Something will come up. And they still have to cast the European tour of the Addams Family. I can be pale in Paris and Berlin. And wherever else anyone would like to send me!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Ms. Honeywell and the Indoor Bouncy Castles!
Not a very eventful weekend, but a good one. Friday I went traipsing through Manhattan and museums with the roomie. It was a gorgeous day and we had a great time. We soaked up some sun, wandered through the side galleries at the Guggenheim (ramps were closed), and then ran off to the Met were I checked out old furniture and paintings and the roomie explained the exhibit designs to me. The new Islam art wing is fierce! And I kind of want to live there. (Though all of the late 18th cent room from Virginia feel very homey to me. Blood speaks!)
Worked a party on Park on Saturday. Of course with it being a gorgeous day, the kids were inside at a birthday party. Manhattan kids have the bouncey castles brought inside near the parent's open bar> I was running arts and crafts. No wigs. No weird makeup. Just a smock. I looked like an elementary school art teacher. My partner in crime christened me "Ms. Honeywell" and then it was time for some Elmer's glue action. We were dubbed not nearly as cool as the characters, bouncey castles (Yes. There was more than one), or the face painting clowns. We had quite a few parents leave drinks and food on the craft tables. My favorite being the full bottle of beer. Much glue and many explanations of Polaroids later, I was done and heading home. And wonked.
Not quite. But close. Today ended up being recuperation. Much needed down time!
I hope this weather continues. It's been 70 and sunny, cloudless skies. Just gorgeous! (Plus I don't have any clean pants. Stay warm please!)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Sunshine and Freckles
The waiting game continues. They have started to email principles to come back in. Don't know if any dancers have been called in. They'd probably leave us for last. Then we can play musical studios again! I joke about it, but casting a show isn't easy. They are so many considerations, so many options, and so many different ways to solve the same stupid puzzle. My life continues. Went in for Fireside for Hello Dolly and Scrooge today. Danced decently, got kept to sing and killed my song in the best way possible. I got a "Thanks" and no further communication. I gave it my best sell. No need to dwell. Instead, I enjoyed the rest of a gorgeous day! Central Park has never looked so good. And I have more freckles!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Waiting For Godot Or Whoever
It's the old waiting game. Great. They were running behind yesterday, but it turned that they were looking for ensemble and covers, so we were dancing first and foremost. I was glad I brought my dance cloths. Danced. Sang again. With it being late, they kept loosing their space. Musical studios. Woohoo! A crew of us were told to stay then when the room crisis really started to hit, we got released and they kept a few Wed and Alices. Don't know what that means. No sign of casting yet. Just me checking audition update and my phone on a regular basis. I wish I had another audition to hit up today. Something else to focus on. I don't know how to kill time like a normal person. Watching TV? I did try...How I currently feel.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
You Win Some
Started out yesterday at Addam's Family tour dance call. The choreo seemed interested. She gave me notes before we did the official and had me dance again after I mucked it up trying to take said notes. They asked me to sing and whispered and scribbled through my 16 bars. Then I ran to the next studio for my Shrek callback.
A large part of why I went to the dance call was to ease my nerves before the Shrek call. I felt very out of place in the line of singing ingenues. I had somehow managed to find my way here, but it was getting beyond my faking skills. When I am nervous, I have a tendency to get off voice. In college one prof thought it was worth working on and the other didn't. Unfortunately the one who didn't was the musical theatre prof, so I was never given chances to do anything but dance in musicals at school. The one who did work with me on it did plays, so I did get any opportunity to explore some fabulous new things. I've worked really hard and my audition cuts in my book are solid and comfortable. No problems there. But they had given us large amounts of music that didn't sit in my happy place. Twenty pages and one day to learn it. Go! I did well enough, but that was definitely the end of my Shrek road for now. Who knows what may happen later. I've got the music to work on as a stretch. Since apparently I look fine for it, I can act, I can dance it, just need to work on having a different sort of pipes. It's always good to have something to stretch and work on!
I've always been a more traditional girl vocally. Both my belt and my legit are from the wrong time period. Sometimes I can go the distance to a poppier sound, but in general, I am much happier in my period pieces.My dance skills work really well there too. Thank you Houston Ballet. Poor Prof Higgins and happy Courtney!
Oh well. The Pippin revival callbacks were also going on that day. Awesome events due to this:
1. Rachelle Rak told me I looked "sassy" in the bathroom. I managed to get out a "You too!" As I drooled in awe. (Her nickname is Sas. Which makes me pee myself even more when I think about it! Diva!)
Dear Answers 4 Dancers. That is a killer reel from a killer chick! :)
2. Marin Mazzie sightings
3. I was in the hallway with Jessica Walter. Her holding room was two over from mine! I refrained from telling her how much I loved Lucille Bluth. But just barely.
4. The casting directors were in the elevator discussing "Sherie" and how much they loved her voice. But they were still weighing her against other actresses. I pretended like I was a part of this conversation. I am a dork.
All in all, stretching for a callback and having a series of truly NY moments. Not a bad day. And I got a further callback for the Addams Family tour. I'm going in to read for Grandma today. And that is def in my character actor happy place. Whoop!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
From Blondes to Ogres to Lawyers
I've been super busy! Thurs I went to see Gentlemen Prefer Blondes at Encores. Which was fierce. My favorite thing to hit NYC. EVER!!!!!! Amazing cast. Excellent concert staging and one of my favorite super hokey musicals. Dorothy is on my play for death or lack of money list (most actors have this list).
Friday was a super busy day. Started off at the Beauty and the Beast call. I can never seem to make the dance call, so I always go into the singer's call and belt when it's not quite right. Oh well. On to the Shrek call which was thankfully at the same studio and the same floor. Change the dress. Once again 8 bars. They asked me to stay and dance. Danced for my life in Duloc and the kept me to tap. Lots of tap dancing mice later, I was the on the short list to get sent sides and songs and come back Monday. Sweet! I always joked that if I went in for Shrek they would keep me. Little did I realize...
Early start today. At the NY State Supreme Court for some background work. A Bitter Pill. And the fastest work I've ever seen on a film set. But the combination of a 645 am call and no coffee at breakfast (which is normally the only thing I have on background breakfast), led to me dozing. The third time Jude Law told the sandwich story on the witness stand, my teensy bit of star struckness had faded into literally nodding off. They filmed an insane amount with good speed and I caught the train home with no wait!
I'm sorry Jude. I was tired. Good news gave me a second wind. Bob had sent me the sides before i hit the train. He was told to send me Fiona. I'm a princess! I got a callback for a Sutton role!!!!! Hahahahaha. And he sent me Gingey too on his own judgement. So I've been singing all evening. Often in a very silly voice. My poor roomie.
And because tap dancing mice are always a good ending (and Sutton is a great finale too)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Bath Tub Endings
Today was a long day. But in a good way. Too much went on to write a pretty post, so here I give it to you in a list!
1. I got up early (for me) and was on the 7:30 train. Which I forgot was a direct train. A delightful surprise.
2. Got on the dance call list early and got seen in the first group. nOt typed into hotboxdom. Not surprised.
3. Sang well at Backwards, but no go. Garunteed, they have seen me dance, but apparently they found someone yesterday. Oh well. Godbye beach vacay. I apologize to my back for the tap shoes in my bag that I didn't wear. At all.
4. A huge gap til my New York Musical Theatre appointment. Went over with Elizabeth from Broward. Got seen early. Rocked some Kander and Ebb. And then got asked if I tapped. I went into full on Cassie mode. Boy do I tap. Or something like that. Maybe it will come to something. Fingers crossed!
5. Met up with several friends. Tramped around Manhattan chatting and stopping at a bakery. As we always do.
6. Attempted seeing a show with Stacey. Then remembered that everything has 7pm shows now on weekdays.
7. Home for dinner and a heavenly bubble bath. One of my old roomies sent me a bath ball from Lush for my birthday. That, some tunes, a new book, and some twelve year old scotch make for the most heavenly baths on earth.
I thought I had an excitingly busy day, but I really don't have any ludicrous stories today. Which is slightly disappointing. If nothing else, please take my bath advice. Bubble bath also works nicely. :)
Here's a little something more interesting than my day. Christopher Bruce is one of my favorite choreographers. Totally ahead of his time and he turned Rambert Dance into a fierce fighting force. Here's a bit from Hush. it sounds lame, but it's an amazing peice about a family of clowns. Totally one of my favs!
One of my favorite dance teachers in college used to use this album in modern class. Vicky was a treat in the best way possible. Ballet thin and lean, she had danced with Joffrey super young. It didn't take too long for her joints to give out due to Russian ballet abuse, and she soon found her way into post modern dance in the 60s and into science to help her still dance. She was an intriguing and hilarious mix of dippy and smart. She would discuss the science of movement with her short hair pushed back by a baby's headband and her sweatpants held to her sylphlike frame with a little velvet belt. Her classes remain my favorite modern classes to this day. Everything else is just disappointing after fun with Vicky! I got lucky and she used me in a piece of concert choreography that was in some ways similar to Hush. It was also a dysfunctional family,but we had mozart an some hardcore 60s spoken word in the form of a poem. It's amazing how things can be both similar and way different. I was the baby. Hot pink hair bow anyone? :)
Monday, May 7, 2012
Party Like It's Your First Communion!
So it's been a slow week. Creating resumes and cover letters for summer j-o-b-s. That evil thing that we all try and avoid. Somehow s-h-o-w sounds much better!
Last night I was working a party. It turned out to be a first communion party. That could have paid my rent for a long time. As Candace and I discussed, first communion meant one thing-a pretty dress. I wore my white Felicity dress and was more excited about coming home, ditching my viel, and putting on my mob cap and straw hat. Obviously, I was not planning my wedding in second grade. I was instead wanting to work at Colonial Williamsburg. Preferably as close to the ginger cakes as possible!
For years, I have tried to duplicate that recipe at Christmas. Somehow they are never quite the same. Probably has something to do with my modern day oven.
As the old cliche goes, when it rains it pours. Tom I have two appts and an open dance call. Woo! At least none of them are at the dreaded NOLA.
Matching your doll was the hieghth of second grade sophistication. I was always OK with my baby blues, but I lusted after her ginger hair (and still do). Especially since a pretty close match of my dad's hair prior to the stress of three rambunctious children. I'm genetically ginger. But actually brown.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
From Tappin' Tots To Today
New York City has been awash in tap shoes of late. I very rarely have worn my taps in NYC, but of late, I am carrying the stupid things around on a regular basis. My back is def not happy.
I've felt while tapping my toes off in the past few weeks, that I have lost my style. I started off in my tap shoes at three years old. I begged my mother to let me be a "world famous Tappin' Tot." We weren't actually famous, but as I got older, my life went further away from my taps. I had a ballet period and a modern period. After realizing both that I like to eat and I like to afford to eat, I came back to my tap shoes with musical theatre. (And beyond eating, it is what makes me happiest. It's nice that it is the best bill paying option. Small perks!)
Houston isn't a great tap city but I street tapped my way through high school. My college profs thought I should be a concert dancer (I am missing the bleeding artist gene required for that. And as I said before, I like to eat.). I got farther away from Shuffle Off To Buffalo roots. I can see it in audition rooms.
So today was a rainy, nasty day that I took for research on two things. Classic tap arms- the tap craze is still going. And on my continual how to make my flat hair look big. Because musical theatre generally likes big hair. So, Fred and Ginger were followed by Fred and Rita. I have total crush on Rita. I would rather be her than Ginger. Even her dancing has and extra flow and sparkle to it that isn't always there in Ginger's. Hence why my hair gets dyed more in that direction.
I did this all with velcro rollers in my hair. And later on in the day, a glass of red wine. I feel like I need a cigarette and a housecoat to complete my 50's housewifedom. My roomie said I looked like her Grandma. Great.
This is probably one of the best tap duets ever. They werk!
I love that Cugat looks so bored when the camera turns on him. Just another day in South America! Hahahaha. :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The Perils of Panera and Lovely Ladies
Saturday I went to the Singing and the Rain and Gypsy call for the Fulton. I expected to be typed out straight off. I wasn't out until after I danced, which was nice. Seeing who they kept, I wasn't what they were looking for. On I go with my life.
Worked a showcase for Chezzam last night. I was a statue. Which I dislike. Especially when it comes with gold face paint. Blegh.
Today I met up with the My Fair Lady ladies at Panera. Yum! I didn't realize there was one already open that close to Penn. Which is awesome. It was awesome to see them all, especially Diana and Addie who are heading out on the international tour of West Side Story soon. They will be fierce in Germany! Being there a long while, I committed my cardinal sin from college Panera study days. I drank enough coffee to make me jittery. Which is an achievement. Off to the Beef and Boards call I went on speed.
They kept me from the dance cuts. They were on the slow side, but so nice, it was hard to get mad. My coffee crash was occurring, so I had to keep my wired tired energy going. Not being available for the Christmas show, I went for the belt my face off about being slutty (I would be a whore in Les Miz. I accept this. As does my poor father.). They were really looking for the Christmas show, not for Les Miz and 9 to 5, and I committed word vomit explaining my Showboat contract dates. Hopefully they will just chop it up to nerves. Cause otherwise, they will think I am bat shit crazy. Oh well.
One of my girlfriends tells the best Les Miz audition horror story. (Correct me if any of these details are wrong Diana). She's an opera signer and super fierce. Bitch went to Eastman which ranks above Julliard. She understands how to werk! She went into a Les Miz call where the lined the girls up and had them flat out belt just "Lovely Ladies" one by one. Which is crazy. Diana opera-ed that shit. Hahahaha. Get it! No job for her, but a great story. "Lovely Ladies!" from London. I think one of them borrowed my cockney hat from My Fair Lady.
Another one down. Eventually, and audition will lead me to another contract. Please occur soon!
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