Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Big Straw Hats Can Help!

Some weeks you fit tons of auditions. Some weeks you fit none. This is a none week. Which becomes frustrating. I'm also facing the reality of my job not panning out the way I want it. We're no longer part time employees. Back to 1099s. Not a good sign. So I'm hunting for other jobs. I like living in Jersey, but it makes waiting tables in the city impossible. Last train leaves at 1:20. Grosse and before the bars close. Plus I've never waited tables in my life. I've always stayed afloat teaching an humiliating myself in other ways. Do I try and start waiting tables out in here in Jersey? It would limit my availability for auditions. Boo. I've left an awkward voicemail to be a TKTs promoter, sent my teaching resume out to several summer camps and sub jobs. Adding on a second corporate event company didn't pan out well. It's too much self motivation. I'm already killing myself throwing myself at theatre jobs and Chezzam gigs. May the answer find me soon because my couch renter leaves and I need more to support myself. If only Showboat was sooner. Or if another show would land in my lap (see my last post on my delusions). Just enough to stay afloat and not eat through any more of my savings. On a brighter note, I pulled out my big floppy straw hat (from Stein Mart so it is truly an old lady hat) and read in the park today during one of the patches of sunshine. A much needed chunk of time after a busy few weeks. And more freckles.
My hat beats this hat because mine has a bow!


  1. Girl, I HEAR you! I've been on the hunt for jobs. Its hard because every restaurant wants NYC experience, but how are you supposed to get experience? I mostly temp in Manhattan, which is great, but it does limit your schedule a bit. Good luck.

    1. I need to give that a try. I have a couple of girlfriends that do decently well temping. Thanks for the suggestion and good luck on the pavement pounding.

  2. Courtney, first of all, I love you and can totally relate to the "none" frustrations. Second of all, your blog is witty, honest, and has a lot of heart. It seems like you might have a marketable talent here... and you could do it mostly on your own time leaving yourself available for auditions. --Claire
