Friday, March 15, 2013

Yankee Boots VS Cowboy Boots (I Have A Slight Boot Problem)

This time of year is "audition season." Which means a number of things. There are more auditions but there are also way more people. And lots of really low paying summer gigs. The wide eyed spring breakers are welcome to them. I have found with my AGMA recoprocity, that I have very little patience for the open call mess. I need my space in the holding room. I do so much better if I have a quiet little spot. I love getting seen Equity. It's so much smoother. The girls are more reasonable about life. There is less dream chasing and more career building. Also, you always get to dance. Which is amazing! After unsuccessfully hitting several open calls on wed, I took my frustrated knitting needles down to Texas to visit the family. The escape is much needed, and it is really important to me that I visit my uncle during this rough time. You only get one family, and we Celts stick it out with them. Spent yesterday having a very lovely visit with him and today I head to the rodeo with my folks. I'm a bad Texan (plus I didn't realize there were rodeo plans in the making) so I don't have my Texan garb on me. My boots, boot cut jeans, and western shirts are all in NJ. Whoops. I have skinny jeans and granny boots. Though my hat is still here, I somehow doubt it will go with that! Lets be honest, my favorite part of the rodeo was always the sheep dog trials. I can totally steal away with one this year. Right? :-) The only pictures I have of my boots are from Best Little Whorehouse six years ago. So here is baby me in my boots. They were my Mom's in her college days and they are still going strong!

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